Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added The quack frog and the fox by Thomas Nast. Communism and the symbol of universal love. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $45.78 Now: $22.89
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Revenge is an expensive luxury by Thomas Nast. John Bull and Uncle Sam. Public debt National debt and Southern claims. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $27.47 Now: $13.73
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added "Seed that Bears Fruit" by Thomas Nast. Capital the result of labor, and labor the result of capital. A farmer planting. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $36.62 Now: $18.31
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added "The name of Liberty, why don't U.S. uniform the Tax-Collectors?" by Thomas Nast. The Constitution burning in the streets. Reducing the Army while increasing taxes. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $36.62 Now: $18.31
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added The Lion of the best society in England is an animal, after all by Thomas Nast. PRINCE OF WALES AND JOHN BULL WITH VALENTINE BAKER AS A LION IN TURKISH MILITARY. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $21.97 Now: $10.99
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Pro Patria Et Gloria by Thomas Nast. Uncle Sam cutting the leg off a Skeleton representing the Army. White men chasing a black man. Allan's Anti-Fat. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $27.47 Now: $13.73
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Probabilities by Thomas Nast. Harper's Weekly cartoon. Nast lampoons long-winded Southern Democrats who are extending the Congressional session by incessant speeches in favor of "Southern claims." Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $23.80 Now: $11.90
Quick view Compare The Tramp Period by Thomas Nast. Bears, Bees and Taxes. Industry and Income Tax. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $36.62 Now: $18.31
Quick view Compare Giving U.S. Hail Columbia by Thomas Nast. Uncle Sam and the Silver Question. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $18.31 Now: $9.16
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Confusedism by Thomas Nast. Honest labor vs convict labor. Ball and chain. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $21.97 Now: $10.99
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Why take a crooked road when there is a strait one? by Thomas Nast. Repeal the Silver Bill and go back to Gold. The Throne of Peace, a Dove on a Human Skull. Ad for the desk of the age. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $21.97 Now: $10.99
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added An international conference about money by Thomas Nast. Uncle Sam, Matthews Resolution, Credit Street. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $21.97 Now: $10.99