Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Eine Mutter von Raoul Kuernheimer. Interesting art of dancing and a man or beast with his hand on the womans butt. Original Antique German Jugendstil print from 1902. MSRP: Was: $15.34 Now: $7.67
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Decoration for a puppet theater A drama. Art by Wilhelm Busch. A man hanging and a baby impaled to a tree, a witch and devil like creature. Original Antique German Jugendstil print from 1902. MSRP: Was: $19.18 Now: $9.59
Quick view Compare Wild Adolf Munzer art. Skeleton on a horse with a scythe. Die schlacht von Tweefontein. Battle of Groenkop (Battle of Tweefontein), Boer War. Original Antique German Jugendstil print from 1902. MSRP: Was: $57.53 Now: $28.76
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Der grokbritanniſche Weihnachts- Und Neujahrsengel, Art by Angelo Jank. Death as the UK Christmas And New Year Angel. Original Antique German Jugandstil print from 1902. MSRP: Was: $38.35 Now: $19.18
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Dora Valesca Becker, violinist from Texas. A Thanksgiving ghost story in three scenes. Run turkey run. Original Antique Puritan print from 1897. MSRP: Was: $24.93 Now: $12.46
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Strange image of a wolf man hunted by dogs and in a cage. Religious scene with knights in armor and a woman on the ground. Color print of a work by Albert Lynch. Original Antique Print 1891. MSRP: Was: $19.18 Now: $9.59
Quick view Compare Turbulent and Dangerous Lunacy go even to the beasts, thou theorist, and be wise by Thomas Nast. COMMUNISM, DEATH, Skeleton, TIGER Protecting Democracy Tigress Cubs. Extra Large Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $67.12 Now: $33.56
Quick view Compare The Argonauts in search of the Greenback Fleece by Thomas Nast. Universal Health, Wealth and Happiness. Universal suffrage is infallible. Death as Fiatist, skeleton. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $38.35 Now: $19.18
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added No work and everything free by Thomas Nast. The Dead-Head-Ist. Human skull. The O-HI-O Idea. Old advertising: sozodont, smoke cubebs and corsets. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $24.93 Now: $12.46
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Swill Milk by Thomas Nast. Skeleton Serving Milk to a Hungry Family. The Great Milk Wars of New York. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $47.94 Now: $23.97
Quick view Compare "Home, Sweet Home! There's no Place Like Home!", by Thomas Nast. Communism, free love, domestic life and a talking skeleton. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $38.35 Now: $19.18
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Decoration Day(Memorial Day) by Thomas Nast. Skeleton of a Civil War soldier. Original Antique Print 1878. MSRP: Was: $38.35 Now: $19.18