Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Negroes Building Stockades under the recent act of Congress sketched by Mr H. Mosler. The town of Stevenson, Alabama, held by the union forces. Original Antique Civil War era engraving from Harper's Weekly 1862. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Political cartoons: "A consistent negrophobist", A white man preferring to drown rather than be saved by a black man. Patriotic boys going to fight a fire. Going to Fortress Monroe. Original Antique Civil War era engraving from Harper's Weekly 1862. MSRP: Was: $60.00 Now: $30.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Cutting the canal opposite Vicksburg, sketched by Mr Theodore R Davis. African American laborers digging the canal. Original Antique Civil War era engraving from Harper's Weekly 1862. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added The watch on the rind from a sketch by Michael Hottes. Watermelon thieves sneak off as the man sleeps that's guarding them. General Crook's Apache campaign. Pack train in the Sierra Nevada's. Original Antique engraving from Harper's Weekly 1883. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Train of Railroad Cars under the Direction of Powers, Ammunition Exploding, Precipitated into the Chickahominy, driving Rebels off the track. Article titled "Arming the Negroes". Original Antique Civil War engraving print from Leslie's 1862. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Doctor Livingstones house at Ujiji from a sketch furnished by Mr Stanley. Portraits of Stanley and Livingstone by C.S. Reinhardt. Original Antique print from 1872. MSRP: Was: $60.00 Now: $30.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Selling a freed man to pay his fine at Monticello Florida. Original Antique Civil War engraving print from 1867. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added A Stampede of slaves from Hampton to fortress Monroe. Original Antique Civil War engraving print from 1861. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added The Senegalese in the Dardanelles by Beauvais. Senagael soldier hitting a Turkish soldier on the head with his gun. Original WWI Antique print from 1915. MSRP: Was: $60.00 Now: $30.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added The godmother, drawing by Leroy. So you decided for Ben-Ali? Small Parisienne women with a large black man. Original WWI Antique print from 1916. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Le Cauchemar by Allier. The Nightmare, Alas! I had only foreseen the yellow peril !! Leader on horse with blood dripping down. African soldier. Original WWI Antique print from 1916. MSRP: Was: $50.00 Now: $25.00
Quick view Compare Add to Cart The item has been added Au camp de prisonniers. Moi, nouveau civilise; toi ancien barbare. An African guard taunting a German prisoner calling him the barbarian. Original WWI Antique print from 1916. MSRP: Was: $60.00 Now: $30.00